Up early again this morning, but not as much the donkey's fault today at least I don't think so. So I got up and had a drink, then heard Bella scratching at the door wanting in, so I thought I had better let her in – she went straight into a corner and collapsed into a heap. Finished reading my book, then decided it was about time to get ready and see what Maryanne's plans were for the day. I hadn't had any luck charging my phone the night before unfortunately :( So it was still as dead as a dodo. So the plans for the day were heading in to Cairo to Maryanne's apple Mr Fixit. Before that though I had time to get my diary back up to date and sort out yesterdays photos from the evening ride, check e-mails and say hello to Pal when he came to visit.
Another thing I have also noticed in the last couple of days is the condition of the cart horses here. For the first time ever since I started coming here, the majority of cart horses are well rounded, no ribs showing, hip bones nicely covered, it is so nice to see. Apparently Brooke Animal Hospital and the Donkey Sanctuary now have a much higher presence in Cairo, thank goodness for all the animals out there.
Once at the nice, air conditioned offices of Maryanne's Apple repair man, it didn't take him too long at all to fix the problem. Apparently the problem was a buildup of static electricity on the motherboard – who knows how it occurred, but he fixed it and I have my iPhone back – miracle worker!! The Greatest Egyptian Hero :)
After leaving there we headed out to Old Cairo, and dropped Mohamed off near the entrance to the Citadel. He was going to take his volkswagon to the mechanic to get it repaired.
When we got to Pal's, Maryanne pulled out her laptop which she had bought to download some stuff, only to find that the washing liquid didn't have a lid and had spilled on the way over, drowning one end of her laptop – not good, and her charger and modem stick :S
We tried to get as much of the liquid off as possible, but we aren't sure if any of it is going to be useable again.
Then once the washing was on, I relaxed and read my book in the airconditioned bliss of Pal's place, while Maryanne explained to Pal how to get to the Apple repair shop (he has to go on Sunday) and Laura showed up to have her saddle re-rigged.
Once back at the farm I hung out the washing while Maryanne re-rigged the saddle or attempted to, and ended up lending Laura one of her saddles.
Then it was time to head off to bed – early I know but it gives me time to catch up on the diary, sort out photos and do a bit of reading – I'm so tired that it won't take me long to drop off to sleep tonight!
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